OMG . . .Claudia just sent me a good one! You must have Shockwave Flash to view this:
Thanks Claudia
BTW . . .for more please go visit and check out some of the cool animations and commentaries.
A short bio of the this creative artist by himself:
Hmn- as I sit before my keyboard, I find it kinda tough to come up with much to say about myself...
I'm a 32-year-old freelance illustrator/animator/web developer residing in the beautiful town of Montclair, New Jersey with two cats, a roomie and two ferrets.
Although I have no formal education in political affairs, I have been studying history, politics, and sociology for the past 16 years. While it's not much, it's more experience than Rush Limbaugh, Michael "Savage" Wiener, and Sean Hannity had, combined, before they began spewing their filth into the vox populi.
Somewhere in the middle of March, moved by the anger and frustration I felt at the unelected government that currently runs the show here in the United States, I created a little piece of flash called antiwar2. Within days, it had been featured on Buzzflash. The next thing I knew I was getting hundreds of e-mails, and my webserver was overloaded to the point that I had to move it to a new host.
Since then, I've been creating further animations, and building a new site to house them.
When I'm not married to the computer, I spend my time reading, drawing, and trying to stay sane in a country gone mad.
Have a nice day everybody,