"Paranoid Shift" -- don't miss this very important commentary.....
Sample quote:
"Why is it so hard to believe serious people who have repeatedly warned us that powerful ruling elites are out to dominate "the masses?" Did we think Dwight Eisenhower was exaggerating when he warned of the extreme "danger" to democracy of "the military industrial complex?" Was Barry Goldwater just being a quaint old-fashioned John Bircher when he said that the Trilateral Commission was "David Rockefeller's latest scheme to take over the world, by taking over the government of the United States?" Were Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt or Joseph Kennedy just being class traitors when they talked about a small group of wealthy elites who operate as a hidden government behind the government? Especially after he died so mysteriously, why shouldn't we believe the late CIA Director William Colby, who bragged about how the CIA "owns everyone of any major significance in the major media?"
And don't miss:
2004 -- The Year of the Law and of Living Dangerously
Seemingly Unsolvable Legal Traps Face an Administration Running Out of Wiggle Room
Something “Big” Will Prevent Saddam from Coming to Trial
Michael C. Ruppert
Claudia D. Dikinis
Political & Personal Astrology for a New Millennium
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal.
-- Revolution Books, New York, New York.