Sunday, July 04, 2004

Remember that You are the Spirit of '76 Proudly Fighting for Democracy and Our Constitution Against the Rebirth of the Tories, the Bush Cartel and the Radical Republican Party Leadership


Is there any doubt about it?

If this were 1776, we know that the Bush Cartel would be the Tory Party, the Monarchists defending the rule of King George, fighting off the revolutionary spirit of democracy and independence for America.

Can you imagine Dick Cheney fighting on the side of the American Revolution against the Monarchists? LOL. My God, just put a white wig on Mr. Cheney and you've got the chief advisor to the Tory Royal Court all wound up and ready to go.

And you, our dear BuzzFlash readers, would be among the men and women who would take a stand at Lexington and Concord to fight for democracy and the birth of a new form of government: of the people, by the people and for the people.

Bush has said at least three times that it would be a lot easier being a dictator -- and everything that he has done in his stolen office has indicated that he is serious about assuming the powers of one.

Supported by the likes of Tory strategists and power brokers such as Cheney, Antonin Scalia, William Rehnquist and Karl Rove, George W. Bush is the dauphin prince turned king, who goes along with the pretense of democracy, while working to undermine it at every opportunity.

Make no mistake about it, the so-called "cultural wars" that have fueled the right wing Republicans who have seized power in the United States know that the majority of Americans do not agree with their world view. So, they seek to assert a minority outlook and mandated behavior on the majority of Americans.

They believe that they are divinely inspired. They have contempt for democracy, because democracy is based on the rule of the majority. And the masses are not privy to divine communication -- only the King of America, George W. Bush, is; only radical Opus Dei follower Antonin Scalia is; only the self-anointing John "God is the King of America" Ashcroft is.

They and their cohorts support the rule of a divinely inspired monarchy that has no time to waste with the will of the rabble of democracy or the rights guaranteed in our Constitution.

Their rule of law is the Bible, as they interpret it. Funny, that even in this case, almost every major religious denomination had opposed the Iraq War (including Bush's Methodist faith), but the Bush Cartel, led by Mr. AWOL rich kid, believes that it is hot-wired into God -- and ignored their religious pleas. Democracy, to the Bush Royal Court, obstructs their personal claim of divine communication. God only speaks to them -- the elite self-chosen few -- not the scabrous, morally tainted majority of American voters and their ordained religious leaders.

Remember this on July 4th.

You are the true inheritors of the Spirit of '76. You are battling the Tories of this century, the Republican Party under the reign of the Second Bush Monarchy.

They use the American flag as a means to hide their Royalist loyalty and tenacious effort to institute and permanently maintain rule.

The American flag and the Constitution of this nation belong to all of us. The radical Republicans want to reverse a great revolution that occurred more than 225 years ago.

They use deceit, lies and control of the mainstream media to accomplish their goal. They try to convince us that their ineptness is really strength and determination.

This July 4th, rededicate yourself to the American Revolution.

We cannot allow a further betrayal of our Constitution, our democracy, the Declaration of Independence, and our freedoms.

We are the Minutemen and Women fighting for the traditions of our great American Revolution.

They are the Tories.

Don't ever forget it.

The stakes are too high.

If they win in 2004, democracy will have lost.