Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Top Ten Cheney Lies of the Vice Presidential Debate

From the Democratic National Committee:

LIE # 1: I Have Never Met Edwards Before

"Now, in my capacity as vice president, I am the president of Senate,
the presiding officer. I'm up in the Senate most Tuesdays when they're
in session. The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the
stage tonight." [Dick Cheney, Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

FACT: Cheney Had Met Edwards on At Least Three Prior Occasions

"On Feb. 1, 2001, the vice president thanked Edwards by name at a Senate
prayer breakfast and sat beside him during the event." [AP, 10/6/04]

"On April 8, 2001, Cheney and Edwards shook hands when they met off-camera
during a taping of NBC's ‘Meet the Press,’ moderator Tim Russert said
Wednesday on ‘Today.’" [AP, 10/6/04]

"On Jan. 8, 2003, the two met when the first-term North Carolina senator
accompanied Elizabeth Dole to her swearing-in by Cheney as a North Carolina
senator." [AP, 10/6/04]

LIE # 2: Cheney Claimed He Had Never Linked Iraq and 9/11

"I have not suggested there’s a connection between Iraq and 9/11." [Dick
Cheney, Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

Bush Made The Same Argument in the First Presidential Debate. "Q: Does
the Iraq experience make it more likely or less likely that you would
take the United States in to another preemptive military action? BUSH:
I would hope I never have to. I understand how hard it is to commit troops.
Never wanted to commit troops. When I was running -- when we had the
debate in 2000, never dreamt I'd be doing that. But the enemy attacked
us, Jim, and I have a solemn duty to protect the American people, to
do everything I can to protect us." [George Bush, First Presidential
Debate, 9/30/04, emphasis added]

FACT: Cheney Has Repeatedly Made This Claim

Question: "The Washington Post asked the American people about Saddam
Hussein, and this is what they said: 69 percent said he was involved
in the September 11 attacks. Are you surprised by that?"

Cheney: No. I think it's not surprising that people make that connection."
[NBC, Meet the Press, 11/14/03]

Cheney: "If we’re successful in Iraq, if we can stand up a good representative
government in Iraq, that secures the region so that it never again becomes
a threat to its neighbors or to the United States, so it’s not pursuing
weapons of mass destruction, so that it’s not a safe haven for terrorists,
now we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base,
if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who have had us under
assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11." [NBC, "Meet
The Press," 9/14/03, emphasis added]

LIE # 3: The Khan Smuggling Network has been Shutdown

"The suppliers network that provided that, headed by Mr. A.Q. Khan,
has been shut down." [Dick Cheney, Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

Bush Made Same Argument in First Presidential Debate. "Libya has disarmed.
The A.Q. Khan network has been brought to justice." [George Bush, First
Presidential Debate, 9/30/04]

FACT: Recent Arrests Show the Network May Be Still Active

Arrests of South African and Germans Show A.Q. Khan Network May Still
Be Active. A South African man arrested Thursday is suspected of playing
a major role in the nuclear black market that supplied Libya, according
to American and foreign officials. According to investigators, who could
discuss the matter only on the condition of anonymity, Meyer was doing
business with two German businessmen who are also being investigated
for their ties to South Africa, Libya and the Khan network. German authorities
announced that they had arrested a man suspected of selling high-tech
equipment on the nuclear black market, the third German businessman named
as a suspect in the past month in an investigation into the trade in
several countries. The arrests and charges are part of a global investigation,
spearheaded by the International Atomic Energy Agency, that extends to
about 20 countries. The probe’s focus is a nuclear technology network
run by Pakistan’s top atomic scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan. [
, 9/4/04; 9/24/04]

LIE # 4: Bush’s War in Iraq Convinced Libya to Disarm

"One of the great by-products, for example, of what we did in Iraq and
Afghanistan is that five days after we captured Saddam Hussein, Moammar
Gadhafi in Libya came forward and announced that he was going to surrender
all of his nuclear materials to the United States, which he has done."
[Dick Cheney, Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

Bush Repeated The Same Line in First Presidential Debate. "We convinced
Libya to disarm." [George Bush, First Presidential Debate, 9/30/04]

FACT: Libya Was Already Moving to Disarm Before Iraq War

Libya’s Decision To Disarm Preceded The Bush Administration And War
In Iraq. According to Tony Blair, Libya first approached the US and Britain
regarding its weapons question as the Iraq war approached. Blair said,
"Libya came to us in March [2003] following successful negotiations on
Lockerbie to see if it could resolve its weapons of mass destruction
issue in a similarly cooperative manner." The son of Libyan leader Moammar
Qaddafi dismissed any link in his father’s decision to the war in Iraq
or the capture of the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Saif Al-Islam
Gadhafi told CNN that "the capture of Saddam or the invasion of Iraq
is irrelevant" to Libya’s announcement. Joseph Cirincione of the Carnegie
Endowment believes that Libya’s decision "goes back over 10 years of
international pressure on the Qaddafi regime…[the] whole move precedes
the Bush administration and precedes the war in Iraq." [
, 12/20/03;, 12/20/03]

LIE # 5: Cheney Claimed They’ve Never Let Up on Osama Bin Ladin

"We’ve never let up on Osama bin Laden from day one." [Dick Cheney,
Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

Failing To Go After A Cornered Bin Laden The " Gravest Error" in the
War on Terror. "The Bush administration has concluded that Osama bin
Laden was present during the battle for Tora Bora late last year and
that failure to commit U.S. ground troops to hunt him was its gravest
error in the war against al Qaeda, according to civilian and military
officials with first-hand knowledge." [
, 4/17/02]

BUSH: "And [Osama Bin Laden is] just – he ’s a person who has now been
marginalized. His network is -- his host government has been destroyed.
He’s the ultimate parasite who found weakness, exploited it, and met
his match…So I don’t know where he is. Nor -- you know, I just don’t
spend that much time on him really, to be honest with you. I…I truly
am not that concerned about him." [Bush Remarks, 3/13/02, emphasis added]

LIE # 6: 10 Million Voters are Registered in Afghanistan

"[In Afghanistan] we’ve got 10 million voters who have registered to
vote, nearly half of them women." [Cheney Remarks, Vice Presidential
Debate, 10/5/04]

Bush Repeated The Same Line in First Presidential Debate. "And the Taliban,
no longer in power; 10 million people have registered to vote in Afghanistan
in the upcoming presidential election." [George Bush, First Presidential
Debate, 9/30/04]

FACT: Human Rights Watch Found Registration Numbers Exaggerated

Bush and Cheney Exaggerate the Number of Registered Voters. "Human Rights
Watch this week said that figure was inaccurate because of the multiple
registrations of many voters. In a lengthy report, the respected organization
also documented how human rights abuses are fueling a pervasive atmosphere
of repression and fear in many parts of the country, with voters in those
areas having little faith in the secrecy of the balloting and often facing
threats and bribes from militia factions." [
, 10/1/04]

LIE # 7: Kerry Voted for Higher Taxes 98 Times

"Gwen, the Kerry record on taxes is one basically of voting for a large
number of tax increases -- 98 times in the United States Senate." [Cheney
Remarks, Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

FACT: 98 Times Figure Has Been Repeatedly Debunked

"Mr. Cheney said that Mr. Kerry had voted 98 times to raise taxes. No
question, he cast votes for higher taxes. But the number Mr. Cheney cited
included multiple votes on the same legislation. Mr. Edwards said Mr.
Kerry had voted against the overall legislation to cut taxes because
the benefits went largely to the wealthy." [
York Times
, 10/6/04]

"Cheney claimed Kerry had voted 98 times to raise taxes. As we've
pointed out before, that's an inflated figure that counts multiple votes
on the
same tax bills, and also counts votes on budget measures that only set
tax targets but don't actually bring about tax increases by themselves."
[, 10/6/04]

LIE # 8: Kerry Wants to Raise Taxes on Small Businesses

"A great many of our small businesses pay taxes under the personal income
taxes rather than the corporate, and about 900,000 small businesses will
be hit if you do in fact do what they want to do at the top bracket.
That's not smart because 7 out of 10 new jobs in America are created
by small businesses. You do not want to tax them. Bad idea to increase
the burden on those folks." [Cheney Remarks, Vice Presidential Debate,

FACT: That Claim Has Been Roundly Debunked By the Press

"Cheney made a puffed-up claim that ‘900,000 small businesses will
be hit’ should Kerry and Edwards raise taxes on individuals making more
$200,000 a year, as they promise to do. As we've explainedbefore, 900,000
is an inflated figure that results from counting every high-income individual
who reports even $1 of business income as a "small business owner." Even
Cheney and his wife Lynne would qualify as a "small business owner" under
that definition because Mrs. Cheney reports income as a "consultant" from
fees she collects as a corporate board member, even though she had no
employees and the business income is only 3.5% of the total income reported
on their 2003 tax returns." [, 10/6/04]

"Cheney said Kerry's tax-cut rollback would hit 900,000 small businesses.
This is misleading. Under Cheney's definition, a small business is any
taxpayer who includes some income from a small business investment, partnership,
limited liability corporation or trust. By that definition, every partner
at a huge accounting firm or at the largest law firm would represent
small businesses. According to IRS data, a tiny fraction of small business
‘S-corporations’ earn enough profits to be in the top two tax brackets.
Most are in the bottom two brackets." [
, 10/6/04]

"Mr. Cheney said that 900,000 small businesses would be affected by
the Kerry proposal to raise taxes on individuals with incomes of more
than $200,000. The Tax Policy Center found that only about 5 percent
of small businesses would be affected by the Kerry plan and that much
of the income of the business operators who would be affected came from
sources other than their businesses." [
York Times
, 10/6/04]

LIE # 9: Kerry-Edwards Flip-Flopped on No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

"Gwen, No Child Left Behind, they were for it; now they're against it.
They voted for it; now they're opposed to it." [Cheney Remarks, Vice
Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

FACT: Kerry-Edwards Want to Properly Fund, Not Abandon, NCLB

"Cheney charged that Kerry and Edwards oppose the No Child Left Behind
education law, which imposes new accountability standards on public schools.
Both senators voted for the law and support some modifications and billions
of dollars to fully fund the education program." [
, 10/6/04]

Bush Broke Promise to Fully Fund No Child Left Behind By $27 Billion.
Bush’s last four budgets have cumulatively provided $27 billion less
than what was pledged under NCLB. While President Bush touts what he
calls "historic" increases in education funding, the reality is that
federal education funding would be $11 billion less than its current
level of $55.7 billion for FY 2004 if Congress had enacted Bush’s budget
requests. If Bush took 11 cents out of every dollar of tax cuts for the
top 1 percent of the wealthiest Americans, he could fully fund NCLB.
[President’s FY 2005 Budget,; historical data at
FY 2005 Budget; Education Week, 9/29/04; CBO, 8/04]

LIE # 10: Minority Achievement Gap Is Shrinking

"We are making significant progress and closing the achievement gap.
The results from studies coming in show without question that on math
and science, math and reading that in fact our minority students our
Hispanic and African-American state of the unions are doing better in
the gap between them and the majority population is in fact closing."
[Dick Cheney, Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]

FACT: No Evidence to Support That, Bush Policies Will Expand the Gap

Cheney Exaggerates Evidence of Minority Gains. "There is fragmentary
data to support Bush's claim that the additional federal dollars to schools
and the new accountability standards have helped minority students improve
their test scores relative to white students, but education specialists
agree there is not yet enough evidence to declare the act a nationwide
success. Besides, the ‘achievement gap’ has been getting narrower for
roughly the past decade, said Paul Peterson, director of the Program
in Education Policy and Governance at Harvard's Kennedy School." [
, 9/24/04; emphasis added]

The Bush Administration Loosened Graduation Accountability Standards,
Leaving Behind 1 of Every 2 Black High School Students. A study by Harvard
University and the Urban Institute revealed that half or more of Black
and Hispanic youth in the United States are getting left behind before
high school graduation because the Bush administration eliminated graduation
accountability standards and their strict emphasis on test scores, which
would increase the likelihood that low achieving minority students will
continue to be pushed to the margins. According to the study, "The drop-out/push-out
problem for minority school children in the US is likely to grow more
severe on test based accountability." NCLB originally required states
to establish standards of academic accountability for different subgroups;
however, the new report reveals that Education Secretary Rodney Paige
exempted graduation rates from this requirement. ["Losing Our Future,"
LosingOurFuture.pdf ]