When Lying Pays Off:
The Fabrications of the Neo-Cons
"A little advice for the neo-cons and your nurturers. Every day you are creating more and more enemies within the United States and abroad. Governments, non-governmental organizations, political parties and social movements, labor unions and business interests, and religious organizations and student groups are talking to each other and are realizing they have a common purpose. That purpose is to drive the neo-con threat away from the power centers of the world. They are beginning to understand intermeshing dependencies and are connecting the dots: Enron, Hollinger, UNOCAL, Halliburton, Carlyle Group, Trireme, L-3, SAIC, etc. Your aggressive policies are upsetting the global balance of power, destroying economies, threatening international trade, and first and foremost, killing innocent people. Like the Nazis in Nuremberg, you will, one day, face an accounting for your crimes. As with the Nazis who stood in the docket in Nuremberg, few, if anyone, will be in the mood to grant you clemency or mercy." Wayne Marsden
Bush cartoon courtesy of Bruce Yurgil at Bartcop