Sunday, August 10, 2003

Clauida sent this one in!

Arnold's Nazi Problem
Why won't he repudiate Kurt Waldheim?

By Timothy Noah
Posted Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 3:46 PM PT

A slight Waldheim problem

Here's a question Jay Leno forgot to ask Arnold Schwarzenegger when he
announced his candidacy for governor of California on last night's Tonight
Show: "Will you renounce your support for Kurt Waldheim?"

A little refresher course may be in order. Kurt Waldheim, a widely esteemed
former secretary general of the United Nations, was running for president of
Austria in March 1986 when it came to light that he had participated in Nazi
atrocities during World War II. Waldheim had always maintained that he had
served in the Wehrmacht only briefly and that after being wounded early in
the war, he had returned to Vienna to attend law school. In fact, Waldheim
had resumed military service after recuperating from his injury and had been
an intelligence officer in Germany's Army Group E when it committed mass
murder in the Kozara region of western Bosnia. (Waldheim's name appears on
the Wehrmacht's "honor list" of those responsible for the atrocity.) In
1944, Waldheim had reviewed and approved a packet of anti-Semitic propaganda
leaflets to be dropped behind Russian lines, one of which ended, "enough of
the Jewish war, kill the Jews, come over." After the war, Waldheim was
wanted for war crimes by the War Crimes Commission of the United Nations,
the very organization he would later head. None of these revelations
prevented Waldheim from winning the Austrian election, but after he became
president, the U.S. Justice Department put Waldheim on its watch list
denying entry to "any foreign national who assisted or otherwise
participated in activities amounting to persecution during World War II."
The international community largely shunned Waldheim, and he didn't run for
re-election. (This information comes from the1992 book Betrayal: The Untold
Story of the Kurt Waldheim Investigation and Cover-Up, by Eli M. Rosenbaum
and William Hoffer.)

One month after these revelations began to splash across the front pages of
newspapers worldwide, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver exchanged
wedding vows at the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport, Mass. Schwarzenegger, a
native of Austria, had invited Waldheim to the wedding, which of course
can't be held against him because the invitations surely went out well
before the war crimes story broke. (Schwarzenegger, who held dual
citizenship in Austria and the United States, had also endorsed Waldheim.)
Waldheim didn't attend, but he sent a gift-a statue of Arnold, in
lederhosen, bearing off Maria, who wore a dirndl. Admiring it,
Schwarzenegger offered a tribute that stunned the assemblage into shocked
silence (this is reported in Arnold: An Unauthorized Biography, by Wendy

My friends don't want me to mention Kurt's name, because of all the recent
Nazi stuff and the U.N. controversy, but I love him and Maria does too, and
so thank you, Kurt.

Schwarzenegger's name remained on Waldheim's campaign posters. After
Waldheim was elected, Schwarzenegger paid him a visit and was photographed
with him. According to the New York Post's "Page Six" gossip column,
Schwarzenegger was seen sitting beside Waldheim as recently as 1998, when
the two attended the second inauguration of Waldheim's successor as
president, Thomas Klestil.

In 1988, Schwarzenegger was asked in a Playboy interview what he thought of
Waldheim. He replied:

I hate to talk about it, because it's a no-win situation. Without going
into details, I can say that being half-Austrian and half-American, I don't
like the idea that these two countries that mean so much to me are in such a
disagreement. Austria is a very important place for Americans, because it is
a neutral country. With a little bit of good will, the problem will be
straightened out. I think it's well on the way.

Why on Earth didn't Schwarzenegger take this opportunity to speak out
against Waldheim? It surely isn't because Schwarzenegger himself had any
Nazi sympathies (though during the filming of the documentary Pumping Iron,
he reportedly once made a foolish comment praising Hitler). Rather,
Schwarzenegger was likely playing politics-to be more specific, Austrian
politics and family politics. For years it was rumored that if
Schwarzenegger didn't run for governor of California, he would run for
president of Austria. Because Austrians have long resented what they see as
Waldheim's pointless scapegoating, any firm denunciation would have ruled
the latter possibility out. In addition, Schwarzenegger's mother had for
many years lived with Alfred Gerstl, a prominent Austrian politician who
rose to the top post in the upper house of Austria's parliament.
Schwarzenegger reportedly addressed him as "Uncle." (Schwarzenegger's
father, who died three decades ago, was a police official who had belonged
to the Nazi party.)

Rather than confront his Waldheim problem head-on, Schwarzenegger has
proclaimed his disgust for Nazism, raised money for education about the
Holocaust, traveled to Israel (where he met with then-Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin), and given generously to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles,
which in 1997 bestowed on him its National Leadership Award. "He wants no
truck with . Waldheim," the Wiesenthal Center's Rabbi Marvin Hier told the
Jerusalem Post. "He probably did not have any clue as to the seriousness of
the allegations against Waldheim at that time [i.e., 1986]. To suggest that
Arnold's an anti-Semite is preposterous. He's done more to further the cause
of Holocaust awareness than almost any other Hollywood star."

Clearly, though, that won't be enough. If Schwarzenegger doesn't renounce
Waldheim in a highly public way, he can forget about ever becoming governor
of California.