----- Original Message -----
From: Claudia D. Dikinis
To: jammy
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: for your Blog: "BUSH CAN'T EVEN DO BASEBALL HONESTLY"
Bush's p.r. man and political strategist, Karl Rove, deserves the "Lifetime Gobbels" award for the most cynical manipulation of the American people possibly in our history. Rove's diabolical schemes top Nixon and Reagan's secret dealings preventing the close of the Vietnam War and a delay in the release of U.S. hostages in Iran so that Jimmy Carter wouldn't have that victory, Reagan would have it at the time he was inaugurated. I hate to say it, but it seems to be that in my lifetime, the most heinous high crimes and impeachable misdemeanors were committed during Republican administrations.
That being said, Rove's polling was used to introduce Iraq just before the midterm elections so that the GOP could sweep it and gain control over all three branches of government, a thing Rove wants to set in place for elections over the next 12-16 years so that a generation of Americans can be indoctrinated to "think like the right wing." The Iraq war was a gamble Bush took because winning it, according to Rove, means a pretty safe road to re-election victory in 2004. However, the problem here is that Bush wasn't elected in the first place, so maybe I should say that Bush can steal it a second time with Prince JEB's help in the Cuban Hoodlumn-Assassination of Kennedy Annex, known commonly as the State of Florida.
The evidence on Iraq was fabricated via plagiarism of a college student's paper (no kidding!) written in the 1990's and also falsified information from Niger which purports to show that Saddam had made substantial advances on making nukes. If you notice, Rumsfeld is already bloviating on TV that he knows people hostile to the USA will accuse the USA of planting WMD's in Iraq. It is too funny, because the first thing I thought of last November when the U.N. signed Resolution 1441, was that it was all a lie; no WMD's would be found; and the Bush Administration would plant them -- a thing tantamount to a bad police bust where you shove a bag of dope down some poor guy's pants and say he's a member of the Medellen Drug Cartel.