BuzzFlash Editorial
Is BuzzFlash Endorsing a Democratic Candidate for President?
No, at this time, we are not.
Being a pro-Democracy news site, we believe that our readers should make
their own choices in the MoveOn.Org virtual primary and in the campaign
activity over the months ahead....
What qualities will a candidate have to have to beat the "brand" marketing
of George W. Bush in 2004?
Here are some of the characteristics that we believe are essential
ingredients for an individual to succeed in restoring democracy and
Constitutional rights to Americans by winning the White House next year:
1) The ability to define the terms of the debate and put the Republicans
on the defensive. Throughout the Bush administration, the GOP has kept the
Democrats on the defensive. You CANNOT win a presidential election when
your party only knows how to play defense. Al Gore was "defined" by Bush
(i.e., Karl Rove) in 2000 (and he still won the election). If Gore had
"defined" Bush as the rich kid affirmative action candidate who was a
failed businessman, a lousy governor, and a tool of the right wing, he
would have blown him out of the water, winning by hundreds of thousands
more votes than the 542,000 votes he beat Bush by. If you define the
opposition, you win. If the opposition defines you (even if it is a
slanderous caricature), you lose (although Al Gore really won, but you
know what we are talking about).
2) The ability to penetrate Bush's "Teflon" credibility. Needless to say,
the see-no-evil approach of many Democratic Congressional leaders is not
only counter-productive; it is dishonest. If you enable a liar, you become
tainted by the liar. If Bush's "credibility" isn't exposed as a phony
front for serial lying, Bush will win the next presidential election. The
polling that shows such a high percentage of Americans believe that we
found WMD in Iraq shows you how an unchallenged presidential assertion
gets the benefit of the doubt. A winning Democratic candidate will have to
pierce through the thin veil of Bush's "trustworthiness" and reveal the
snake pit of deception behind it. It will not be an easy task, given the
pro-Bush bias of the media, but it must be accomplished or Bush wins.
For more of this editorial, go to: