Musings of C. Dikinis (Starcats) and myself (Jammy) regarding our unscrupulous President.
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Ousting The Liars: What We Need To Do
by Mike Kress
History shows that if there's one thing people can't stand it's a liar. While we BuzzFlashers knew Bush and his cronies were lying all along, it's finally dawning on the larger population that they may have been duped into supporting a war on Iraq.
As many writers and commentators have pointed out -- particularly Paul Krugman -- Bush is a serial liar. His administration is the empire of saying one thing and doing another, so there's no shortage of contradictions and hypocrisy to point out. But it doesn't get any simpler to explain than killing people in an illegal war based on a bunch of lies.
Unfortunately, the problem we face is that America's media gatekeepers don't want this horrific con job -- which wasted thousands of human lives -- to get exposed. The trans-national corporations that own the vast majority of our media will finesse the coverage to keep a lid on the lies that are now trying to claw their way to the light of day. Bush is their cash-cow and they'll protect him like a sacred cow.
The only way to persuade the media to air the horrible truth -- or at least the pursuit of some facts -- is to convince them that they'll make more money by not covering for Bush. The only thing more sacred to these corporations than a sugar daddy is more money to stuff in their already fat coffers.
Our news media gets ratings and makes money from scandal. The more people watching TV, the more the media can charge advertisers. If the media sense that the populace is thirsty for blood, the media will react to that blood much like sharks react to chum in a shark tank. The prospect of higher ratings as hearings convene and accusations fly and whistle-blowers emerge is a juicy prospect indeed.
However, starting this "blood in the water" media frenzy is going to require a massive display of citizen outrage about Bush's lies, made clearly visible to the media. Here are a few suggestions to start a movement that will hopefully see the impeachment of George W. Bush and the abolishment of the so-called "Bush Doctrine":
1.) Write letters to the editor;
2.) Protest and picket at the headquarters of national media outlets (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, USA Today, Washington Post, NY Times, etc.);
3.) Call every political talk show possible;
4.) Leaflet and flyer;
5.) Submit op-eds to local papers;
6.) Conduct education forums in your community;
7.) Talk to your friends and relatives;
8.) Make and wear buttons and bumper stickers;
9.) Hold protests and vigils in your community;
10.) Make sure the media knows about every protest, picket, forum, etc., in advance;
11.) Buy magazines and papers that expose the gradually emerging truth (e.g. Time, US News, Newsweek);
12.) Write and call your representatives.
Feel free to add to this list. Just keep in mind that in our 24-hour news cycle environment, history is short. With Karl Rove's masterful ability to manipulate people via brilliant photo-ops, memories are even shorter. We've got to jump on this scandal now and move with a quickness!
If you remember the worldwide protests against the war on Iraq, you'll know that we can do it. Standing idle now will only guarantee darker days ahead.
Mike Kress
Spokane, WA
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Mike Kress is a veteran and a member of the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane.